Cloud migration enriches digital experiences

  • 36M Cardholders
  • ¥7.2T Credit card transaction volume
  • 16M Online members

Leading in the digital age demands continuous innovation to exceed customer expectations, and companies that succeed set the benchmarks for the future. 

Credit Saison, a major Japanese financial institution offering credit cards and other payment and processing services, serves individual and corporate customers. In addition to house cards, such as Saison Card and Saison American Express Card, Credit Saison provides co-branded cards for retailers, airlines, and consumer electronics stores. The company draws on more than 40 years of expertise in the card business to deliver innovative products and services to a range of customers. 


Optimizing digital experiences 

In financial services, systems provide the foundation for innovative digital experiences. Businesses need effective financial technology to keep up with evolving expectations and stay ahead of the competition.

To enhance its digital experience, Credit Saison formulated the Credit Saison Digital Transformation (CSDX) VISION. The plan consists of two primary pillars:

  • Bimodal Strategy
  • Digital Transformation (DX) for Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX)

Bimodal Strategy

Gartner defines bimodal as the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of work:

  • Mode 1, focused on predictability 
  • Mode 2, focused on exploration 

Credit Saison aims to combine Mode 1, emphasizing the stability required of a financial institution, with Mode 2, emphasizing speed and flexibility, in order to maximize its use of new technologies and integrate them with existing ones. This includes the selection of information technology (IT) solutions and the hiring and training of human resources to master them.

“The key to our bimodal strategy is a stable digital foundation and a flexible, data-enabled environment that can adapt to change,” says Kazutoshi Ono, director, senior executive officer, chief technology officer (CTO), and chief information officer (CIO) at Credit Saison Co. “We rely on Teradata’s platform and services because they offer both stability and flexibility.” 

DX for CX and EX

To ensure DX technologies contribute to CX and EX goals, the company must utilize customer and field-employee data. Credit Saison aims to use data to:

To accomplish this, Credit Saison is developing its digital talent and democratizing data and analytics.

“Teradata's products are superior to the competition because of their strength on the front end as an access platform and their user experience,” says Kazutoshi. “You don't have to be a data expert to access and use data.”


Teradata VantageCloud strengthens digital infrastructure

Credit Saison selected VantageCloud on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to support its CSDX VISION. As the complete cloud analytics and data platform for AI, VantageCloud eliminates data silos and enables highly performant processing of high-volume transactions. Many of the world’s largest financial institutions rely on VantageCloud for its linear scalability, workload management, and unparalleled cost-per-query performance.

“We chose Teradata VantageCloud because of its reliability, impressive customer base, and track record supporting global financial institutions—combined with its speed and agility,” says Kazutoshi.


Cloud migration modernizes Credit Saison’s data and analytics

Credit Saison set an ambitious goal: to migrate 80% of all systems, including its core system, to the cloud by 2025. The company will also take a cloud-first approach to systems for newly launched services, with Teradata providing reliable cloud solutions to achieve system integration, data freshness, and real-time data understanding during data utilization.

“The partnership with Teradata will become even more important as we continue on our cloud journey,” says Kazutoshi. “Not only is Teradata more reliable than other technologies, but it’s also more flexible and advanced in the cloud. We’ve migrated from on premises into the cloud with VantageCloud on AWS, deeming it a low risk and the fastest path to the cloud.”


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