
John Berg

Director, Data Strategy and Architecture, Teradata

For over 20 years, John has been helping large organizations solve business problems and achieve competitive differentiation with data and analytics.  The last 10+ years he has focused on enterprise level architectures specializing in large scale information centric solutions including cloud and on-premise deployments.  

John has had the pleasure of working with some of the most recognized companies in the world across industries and international borders including Bank of America, eBay, GE Aviation, Best Buy and Vodaphone. He established a global presence while on expat assignment in Australia, helping organizations with information technology and architectures, marketing analysis, customer profitability solutions, big data analytics and data integration. 

Throughout John’s career with Teradata, he has held positions with increasing levels of responsibility and leadership. A pragmatic visionary, John has spoken at prestigious international conferences and events on enterprise data management and information architecture. 

Today, John helps Teradata customers identify gaps and challenges in their analytic ecosystems, with an emphasis on reducing complexity and increasing business value. 


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