American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus Selects Teradata as Technology Partner

27 juil. 2016 | ATLANTA, Georgia

Will update enterprise systems to adapt to big data requirements and opportunities, provide richer data insights

Teradata Corp. (NYSE: TDC), the big data analytics company, today announced that American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Georgia), better known as Aflac, a Fortune 500 company providing financial protection to more than 50 million people worldwide, has selected Teradata as a technology partner as Aflac undergoes an architectural upgrade to its enterprise data warehouse. Teradata will collaborate with Aflac data science and analytics teams to update the existing data ecosystem, which is core to their line of business, to enhance capabilities and opportunities pertaining to big data and new data insights.

Aflac has selected Teradata’s Data Warehouse Appliance 2800 and Teradata’s Appliance for Hadoop to host the new enterprise data warehouse. The new technology is expected to ensure seamless integration with relational and non-relational data to provide a self-service business intelligence ecosystem for actionable insights and reporting.

À propos de Teradata

Chez Teradata, nous sommes convaincus que les collaborateurs s'épanouissent au travail lorsqu'ils disposent d'une information de qualité. Notre plateforme de données et d’analytique dans le cloud pour l’IA, la meilleure sur le marché, fournit aux entreprises les données harmonisées et les outils d’IA/ML fiables dont elles ont besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées en toute confiance, accélérer l’innovation et obtenir des résultats commerciaux significatifs. Découvrez comment sur