Making Data Your Greatest Asset

Too often, organizations are not unlocking the full value from their data. That's because it's in departmental silos, not integrated, and inaccessible to those who need it. 

Achieving maximum value requires companies to rethink their approach to data. It entails a shift from being business unit focused with data restricted to a single user or department to being enterprise focused that treats data as the most valuable corporate asset. It also requires moving from data silos that duplicate data sets to a reusable approach that stores data once, but uses it many times.  

Isolated data has limited value. By contrast, integrating data allows more answers and richer, deeper, more contextual insights that drive action. With the right cloud data analytics platform that offers multidimensional scalability, companies can optimize their data. That’s because this type of platform offers scalability across eight core dimensions: data volume, data latency, query data volume, query complexity, query concurrency, query response time, schema sophistication, and mixed workloads.

Successful companies use data to guide every decision and every action. See how they solve the world’s most complex data challenges at scale using a platform built for a hybrid multi-cloud reality.  

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