Double Win for Teradata at Big Data and Iot Excellence Awards 2017

20 juin 2017 | London

Teradata scoops two awards for Yasmeen Ahmad, Data Scientist of the Year, and Think Big Kylo, Best Emerging Technology in Big Data

Teradata picked up two awards at Computing Magazine UK’s annual Big Data and IoT Excellence Awards last week for Yasmeen Ahmad, Data Scientist of the Year and Think Big Kylo, Best Emerging Technology in Big Data.
Yasmeen Ahmad, who holds a PhD in Data Management, Mining and Visualisation, is the director of Think Big Analytics (CEUKIR) at Teradata. Her big data expertise and work with businesses to use data to deliver tangible return on investment has cemented her position as a driving force in the industry.
“It’s an honour to be awarded this accolade, particularly considering the calibre of the competition,” Ahmad said. “The breadth of opportunity in the data science field has made my career to date extremely exciting and I feel very fortunate to work with people who constantly inspire me to achieve new things.”
Launched this March, Think Big Kylo emerged from code delivered by Teradata’s Think Big Analytics unit. The technology accelerates data lake development in as little as nine weeks, a revelation for organizations that were typically spending six months to a year on build cycles.
“Kylo is a prime example of our strategy to create analytic accelerators that provide customers with immediate business value,” said Rick Farnell, Senior Vice President, Think Big Analytics, a Teradata Company. “Kylo evolved from repeatable frameworks that we developed in our global data science and engineering consulting practices, to now an open source initiative that enables both velocity to value and increased adoption of analytics. Using Kylo allows data-driven organizations to deploy data lakes faster, at lower costs, through easy to use templates that require minimal engineering. Combining a data lake within an analytic ecosystem strategy allows customers to build production grade advanced analytics and machine learning applications. We are delivering innovative analytical solutions inspired by our data science teams in the field and sharing these innovations with our Teradata product teams to continuously shape the direction of our roadmaps.”
The awards covered 15 categories from every area of Big Data and the Internet of Things, and were given to organizations, teams, projects, products and individuals. Other winners and nominees included Yodel, Accenture, Dell and IBM.
Stuart Sumner, editorial director at Computing Magazine, congratulated all the winners and praised the standard of entries this year.

À propos de Teradata

Chez Teradata, nous sommes convaincus que les collaborateurs s'épanouissent au travail lorsqu'ils disposent d'une information de qualité. Notre plateforme de données et d’analytique dans le cloud pour l’IA, la meilleure sur le marché, fournit aux entreprises les données harmonisées et les outils d’IA/ML fiables dont elles ont besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées en toute confiance, accélérer l’innovation et obtenir des résultats commerciaux significatifs. Découvrez comment sur