
Katarina Hansson

Retail Industry Lead, Teradata

Katarina Hansson leads the Retail Industry unit of Teradata International. In this position, she provides the strategic link between the Teradata product portfolio and the retail customers’ business challenges and requirements.

She is a frequent conference speaker on retail innovation and retail business development topics, and her advice on how to improve business through analytics is appreciated by leading retailers in Europe and Asia.

Before Katarina Hansson joined Teradata in November 2012, she had worked in merchandising, store operations and accounting at H&M and held different sales and marketing management positions at Ikea. At Ikea Denmark, she executed a long-term strategy to improve the company’s market position. After 3 years, the market perception was changed and Ikea had increased its market share significantly. When she was Deputy Sales Manager at Ikea Sweden, she changed the way Ikea Sweden worked with store relevance, range optimization, strategic pricing and competitor analytics. As the Ikea Family Manager, she introduced a customer-centric, analytics-based way to communicate with loyal customers, which incrreased store traffic, average sales slip and customer satisfaction alike. In her role as Marketing Manager of Ikea Home Shopping Nordics, she established an e-commerce platform and omni-channel marketing activities to improve the customer interaction.

Katarina Hansson completed her studies at Lund University in Sweden where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Economics, a Master of Education degree as well as a European diploma in Marketing.


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